Trina Album Release Party

Trina Album Release Party

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Drama For Your Mama!!

Whew! So much to write, so little time. I'm just gonna try to sum everything up so I don't bore you to death. We left off at Nascar. Nascar actually went well. I had a great time and got lots of free stuff! I'm still trying to figure out what the heck I'm gonna do with 300 packs of tums, but I'm sure it will come to me. The weather was great and I ended up getting tickets to the race only to give them away because I was too tired to go. That's too bad because I really wanted to see Danica Patrick ( ) because she rocks! Hey, there is always next time, my sleep is precious. After Nascar, Rockfest came up a little too soon for my liking. That was definitely one gig I will never forget. Rockfest was rather disappointing this year and definitely not as good as last year. Although, there were definitely a few bands that brought it! I personally liked 3 Doors Down ( and Limpbizkit ( I'm sure there were other great performances but of course I was there working and not for the concert. I did meet a few great people. Now for the drama. Of course I won't get into details but we're just gonna say that we had an interesting combination of models this time around with a manager that had questionable "techniques". As always, it was a learning experience and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger right??! After everything I have been through this year, I should be able to beat Hercules in a one on one battle. Seriously!!

Now, I never talk about my personal life but I'm just going to say a few brief things. It never fails to amaze me the fact that men seem to just want you so much when either you don't want them anymore or you're with someone else. I don't understand why its just not done right the first time. I can't speak for all the other women out there but for me, if you catch me when all the feelings have run dry, its definitely too late. I'm not really into rebounding. Okay, starting to ramble. Now you see why I don't really talk about my personal life??!

So what's next in the life of Erica Nicole? Well, this week you can find me at Country Thunder. I have a feeling this should be pretty smooth. I hope.. Oh yea, my high school reunion is next saturday. Mmm, I really don't have a clue as to how this one is going down! It's really only few people that I would like to see again and to the others, just trying to be a tad nosy. I may not have much to talk of the reunion now, but I'm sure I will have loads to discuss afterwards! Just a few days afterwards I'm flying out to South Dakota to work Sturgis. I may just have to bring the video camera with me to that one. Nine days in a house with 7 other models!? This is definitely documentary material and I hope to gain the permission of the other ladies to do so. Filming for "Butt America" is set to start next week. I'm sooo excited about it. If you haven't done so already make sure you subscribe to my youtube page. ( Tune in next week folks!

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